
(2011 09/06 06:30)
Correction&reading by Patrick / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
(2011 09/06 06:30)
Correction&reading by Patrick / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
Kagoshima to beef up surveillance on rays
Kagoshima Prefecture will install another five monitoring posts, commissioned by the central government, which will oversee the radiation levels in the atmosphere. This measure is aimed at strengthening the surveillance system and stems from the accident at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. The prefecture has appropriated 110,000,000 yen, which includes coverage for the maintenance costs of the analytical instrumentation of radiation contamination, in its supplementary budget proposal to be submitted to the prefectural council in September.
According to the prefecture’s Nuclear Disaster Prevention Division, installation sites for the devices have yet to be determined. With an eye toward covering the whole prefecture, it is also considering Osumi peninsula and remote islands as candidate sites for the installation.
Beef up:・・・を向上[強化]させる rays:放射能(radioactivity, radiation)
Install:・・・を設置する(put in) monitoring post:モニタリングポスト・放射能監視装置設置所 commissioned by…:・・・に委託されて the ~ government:中央政府 oversee:監視する(monitor, observe, watch) be aimed at:・・・することを目的としている(have the objective of, be intended to, be designed to) strengthen:・・・を強化する(enhance, beef up, improve) stem from…:・・・に起因する(result from, come from, caused by) appropriate:(人・政府・議会などが)(金など)を〔特別な目的などに〕充当する(set aside, allocate, earmark) coverage:補償範囲・引当金(ここでは費用のこと) analytical instrumental:分析機器 radiation contamination:放射能汚染 supplementary ~ proposal:補正予算案 submit:・・・を提出する(present, turn in, hand in)
According to…:・・・によると installation site:設置箇所 device:装置 determine:決定する(decide, fix; select, chose) with an eye toward…:・・・を見越して
Kagoshima Prefecture will install another five monitoring posts, commissioned by the central government, which will oversee the radiation levels in the atmosphere. This measure is aimed at strengthening the surveillance system and stems from the accident at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. The prefecture has appropriated 110,000,000 yen, which includes coverage for the maintenance costs of the analytical instrumentation of radiation contamination, in its supplementary budget proposal to be submitted to the prefectural council in September.
According to the prefecture’s Nuclear Disaster Prevention Division, installation sites for the devices have yet to be determined. With an eye toward covering the whole prefecture, it is also considering Osumi peninsula and remote islands as candidate sites for the installation.
Beef up:・・・を向上[強化]させる rays:放射能(radioactivity, radiation)
Install:・・・を設置する(put in) monitoring post:モニタリングポスト・放射能監視装置設置所 commissioned by…:・・・に委託されて the ~ government:中央政府 oversee:監視する(monitor, observe, watch) be aimed at
According to…:・・・によると installation site:設置箇所 device:装置 determine:決定する(decide, fix; select, chose) with an eye toward…:・・・を見越して
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