廃校でアート展 伊佐・布計集落

廃校でアート展 伊佐・布計集落
伊佐市の布計集落で11月6日、芸術イベント「Artist Colony EL DOLADO in布計」が開幕した。初日は音楽イベントや各種ワークショップがあり、普段静かな過疎集落に多くの人が集まった。展示は14日まである。
(http://373news.com/modules/pickup/article.php?storyid=27837 2010 11/06)
Correction&reading by Patrick / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
Help village with the power of art!
An art event, “Artist Colony EL DOLADO in Fuke,” opened in Fuke Village in Isa City on November 6. There were music performances and a variety of workshops on the first day, attracting a crowd to the normally quiet and depopulated village. Exhibitions will be held until the 14th.
The event had been planned for the first time by “Kagoshima Culture Bridge,” which is made up of 55 artists in the prefecture and chaired by Mr. Murakami Yoshiki.
The group has aimed at the revitalisation of the region by making use of the wooden Fuke Elementary School that closed 31 years ago due to the closure of a gold mine.
Fuke community chief, Mr. Kukiyama Kazutoshi (80) said: “Due to the aging of the population, our sports meet was abolished last year. I’m glad that they have held this event that has brought such a lot of people.”
Music performances:音楽の演奏 a variety of…:様々な(various) workshops:ワークショップ、研修会 attracting a crowd:多くの人を集めて the ~ village:普段は静かな過疎集落 (will be) held:開催される(take place)
For ~ time:初めて (is) made up of…:・・・で構成されている chaired by…:・・・が代表を務める(represented by, led by) (has)aimed at…:・・・を目的としている the ~ region:その地域の活性化 making use of…:・・・を活用して due to…:・・・が原因で a gold mine:金鉱山
Community chief:自治会長 aging ~ population:高齢化 sport meet:運動会 (was) abolished:廃止された I’m glad that…:・・・を嬉しく思う
伊佐市の布計集落で11月6日、芸術イベント「Artist Colony EL DOLADO in布計」が開幕した。初日は音楽イベントや各種ワークショップがあり、普段静かな過疎集落に多くの人が集まった。展示は14日まである。
(http://373news.com/modules/pickup/article.php?storyid=27837 2010 11/06)
Correction&reading by Patrick / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
Help village with the power of art!
An art event, “Artist Colony EL DOLADO in Fuke,” opened in Fuke Village in Isa City on November 6. There were music performances and a variety of workshops on the first day, attracting a crowd to the normally quiet and depopulated village. Exhibitions will be held until the 14th.
The event had been planned for the first time by “Kagoshima Culture Bridge,” which is made up of 55 artists in the prefecture and chaired by Mr. Murakami Yoshiki.
The group has aimed at the revitalisation of the region by making use of the wooden Fuke Elementary School that closed 31 years ago due to the closure of a gold mine.
Fuke community chief, Mr. Kukiyama Kazutoshi (80) said: “Due to the aging of the population, our sports meet was abolished last year. I’m glad that they have held this event that has brought such a lot of people.”
Music performances:音楽の演奏 a variety of…:様々な(various) workshops:ワークショップ、研修会 attracting a crowd:多くの人を集めて the ~ village:普段は静かな過疎集落 (will be) held:開催される(take place)
For ~ time:初めて (is) made up of…:・・・で構成されている chaired by…:・・・が代表を務める(represented by, led by) (has)aimed at…:・・・を目的としている the ~ region:その地域の活性化 making use of…:・・・を活用して due to…:・・・が原因で a gold mine:金鉱山
Community chief:自治会長 aging ~ population:高齢化 sport meet:運動会 (was) abolished:廃止された I’m glad that…:・・・を嬉しく思う
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Posted by GAiGO at 15:01│Comments(0)