Correction&reading by Patrick / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
Survey: Kagoshima citizens eager in charity work
According to the results of a survey on living and activities—the basic survey on social life in 2011 by Kagoshima Prefecture—the percentage of people who engaged in volunteer activities during their free time over the last year was 34.4%, which was the third highest following Yamagata and Tottori prefectures.
Many of them are involved in such activities through neighbourhood associations, which have strong connections with the local communities. Kagoshima Prefecture Statistics Section analysed that there are enough opportunities for those who wish to take part in (volunteer activities), which indicates that people are highly conscious that they should do what they can do in their own communities.
According to...:・・・によると a ~ activities:生活と活動の調査 the ~ life:社会生活の調査 engage in...:・・・に携わる following...:・・・に続いて
Are involved in...:・・・に関わっている neighbourhood associations:町内会 analysed that...:<that以下>だと分析した there ~ activities:(ボランティア活動に)参加したい人のために十分な機会がある indicates that...:<that以下>であることを示している highly conscious:関心が高い they ~ communities:自分たちの地域で出来ることは自分たちですべきである