三越鹿児島店が閉店 (May.4-10)
おかげ様で連載4年目突入!今後も WEEKLY KAGOSHIMA on the Web をヨロシク!
Correction&reading by Stephen / Jingle by Spring Girls
End of a legacy…
Mitsukoshi Kagoshima in Gofuku-cho, Kagoshima city, closed down its operations for good on May 6. On the final day, the store was thronged with customers who hoped to bid a final farewell to the once-flourishing trendsetter of fashion. After seeing off the last customers at about 40 minutes past the seven o’clock closing time, all employees formed a line at the main gate. As the store manager Mr. Yamamoto Masataka delivered a speech of appreciation to the customers for 25 years of patronage, hundreds of crowd-goers gave him a warm shower of applause. According to the department store, the number of customers on this day was around 50 thousand, five times as many as on the same day last year.
“Mitsukoshi Kagoshima in Gofuku-cho, Kagoshima city, closed down its operations for good on May 6.”
‘closed … operations’ は「業務を停止する」。‘operation’ は「作業、仕事、活動」。‘for good (and all)’ は「永久に(permanently)」。
“On the final day, the store was thronged with customers who hoped to bid a final farewell to the once-flourishing trendsetter of fashion.”
‘the store … customers’ は「その店(三越のこと)は客で混み合った」。‘throng’ は「(人が)〈場所などに〉群がる;押しかける(fill);押し寄せる(crowd)」。‘who … farewell to ~’ は「(客は)~に最後のお別れを告げたかった」。‘once-flourishing’ は「かつて繁栄した」。‘trendsetter’ は「流行を作り出す人」。
“After seeing off the last customers at about 40 minutes past the seven o’clock closing time, all employees formed a line at the main gate.”
‘see(ing) off’ は「〈人〉を見送る」。‘at … time’ は「閉店時間の7時の約40分過ぎ」。‘formed … line’ は「一列に並んだ」。
“As the store manager Mr. Yamamoto Masataka delivered a speech of appreciation to the customers for 25 years of patronage, hundreds of crowd-goers gave him a warm shower of applause.
‘delivered … appreciation’ は「感謝のスピーチをする」。‘patronage’ は「(店などへの)ひいき、愛顧;(芸術・事業などへの)後援、保護(support)」。‘crowd-goers’ は「通りがかりの人々(の集団)」。‘gave … applause’ は「(群集が)彼(店長のこと)に暖かい拍手喝采を送った」。
“According to the department store, the number of customers on this day was around 50 thousand, five times as many as on the same day last year.”
‘According to …’ は「・・・によると」。‘the ... of ~’ は「~の数」。‘five … year’ は「昨年同日の5倍」。
タイトルの “End of a legacy ..." は「伝統に幕・・・」。
‘legacy’ は「受け継がれたもの;(時代・事件などの)名残、遺産」。
Source >>南日本新聞ホームページ 373news.com