黄砂の季節到来 (Feb.9-15)
Correction&reading by Jamie / Jingle by Shu&Naoya
First yellow sand observed
Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory announced on February 11 that it had observed the first yellow sand of the year. It was observed 20 days earlier than the previous year when it was first observed on March 3. The authority is warning for poor visibility of less than 5 km in a wide area of the southern part of Kyushu. According to the observatory, yellow sand is carried to Japan and Korean Peninsula from deserts or yellow sandy areas on the Chinese continent.
“Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory announced on February 11 that it had observed the first yellow sand of the year. ”
‘Kagoshima … Observatory’ は「鹿児島地方気象台」。‘announce(d)’ は「・・・を発表する、公表する」。‘yellow sand’ は「黄砂」。
“It was observed 20 days earlier than the previous year when it was first observed on March 3.”
‘the previous year’ は「前年(the year before)」。‘when … 3’ は「それ(黄砂のこと)は3月3日に初めて観測された」。
“The authority is warning for poor visibility of less than 5 km in a wide area of the southern part of Kyushu.”
‘The authority’ は「当局(鹿児島地方気象台のこと)」。‘poor … 5 km’ は「5キロ未満の悪い視界」。
“According to the observatory, yellow sand is carried to Japan and Korean Peninsula from deserts or yellow sandy areas on the Chinese continent.”
‘According to …’ は「・・・によると」。‘is carried to …’ は「・・・に運ばれる」。‘peninsula’ は「半島」。‘desert’ は「砂漠」。動詞では「〈人が〉〈義務・誓いなどを破って〉〈人・地位・場所など〉を捨てる、見捨てる、放棄する」などの意味を持ちます。‘continent’ は「大陸」。
タイトルの “First yellow sand observed” は「最初の黄砂を観測」。
Resource >>南日本新聞ホームページ 373news.com